Friday, March 28, 2008

A salute to the fighting men of the U.A.E.

I didn't know that the U.A.E. Had combat troops in Afghanistan until I ran into this article on the BBC this evening. Am I pleased to finally see an Arabic/Muslim nation move into action and get boots on the ground to help secure the situation. Another pleasing factor is when you get to read something like this:

As fellow Muslims, they get a warm reception from the villagers.

"At first I thought these were American soldiers and I wanted them to leave but when they said they were Muslims I knew they were our brothers," a young Afghan man says.

Hajji Fazlullah, another Afghan villager, says: "The Arab troops come in our country and our village, we are very happy."

And this:
"And we try to convince the people about the US, about British. They came here to give you peace."

Oorah U.A.E.

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